30 Years


In this page you will find some sites that are interested in and related to genetic blood diseases.These sites are:
Site Link Description
Janeen Center for fertilization and genetic detection

The centre of Jenin specializes in the treatment of human infertility and gene genetic detection and provides unique treatment and care services. The Jenin Center site also contains valuable research and information in the field of infertility treatment and genetic detection


This site is one of the most important sites that talked about various genetic blood diseases

Medical Genetics

One of the most important sites that talk about genetic studies in general, you will find in this site everything you want to inquire about.

Doctor.com website

The site of the doctor.com is one of the most important sites that talk about most diseases, you will find special sections for each disease and you will learn how to maintain and how to prevent infectious diseases and how to treat.

National Heart Lung and Blood institute

A wonderful site that talks about heart, lung and blood diseases.